Friday June 16, 2023, Albuquerque Fire Rescue graduated it’s 100th cadet class at the Kimo Theater in downtown Albuquerque. Here are some pictures of the event.

Introducing the Albuquerque Fire Rescue 100th Cadet Class.

The Albuquerque Fire Department Retirees Association would like to congratulate all of AFR’s newest members. Welcome to the family.

AFR Retiree Diego Arencón’s Special Father’s Day

Santino Arencón Graduating with the 100th Cadet Class
For all those that retired after the year 2000, Diego’s name is well-known. From his active-duty accomplishments as Local 244 President, to his post-retirement accomplishments working in the Round House as Governor Lujan-Grisham’s Deputy Chief of Staff, Diego is pretty much known to all of us. Diego’s Father’s Day weekend was special to him because his son Santino graduated with the 100th Cadet Class and followed his dad into the firefighter family. A dad could not be more proud.
With cadet graduations getting back to pre-covid ceremonies, AFDRA is getting back to celebrating retirees that have done exemplary work beyond retirement and continue to contribute to the community in a positive way. With the help of AFR, we have honored retirees at cadet graduations with the Special Recognition award since 2007. When this award was discussed at a recent meeting with Fire Chief Jaramillo and others, IAFF President Miguel Tittmann suggested that Diego Arenćon would be the perfect choice, and he was right.
Diego’s accomplishments since his retirement have furthered the benefits and safety concerns for firefighters across the State. Diego is very quick to celebrate others’ accomplishments, but never seeks notoriety himself. The 100th Cadet Graduation presented itself as a perfect time to celebrate not only Santino’s accomplishment of completing the arduous task of graduating with his fellow classmates, but to also get Diego into a place that we could thank him in a public setting without his knowledge beforehand.

Lupe and Diego Arencón with AFR Deputy Chief Santos Garcia
I believe that Diego was truly surprised, and I want to thank AFR for their support and assistance in restarting our tradition of celebrating retirees that continue to improve the community that is the firefighter family.