AFDRA Meeting Report

September 11th, 2024

Monthly Meeting Report

The 289th AFDRA meeting was called to order at 1903. After the Pledge of Allegiance, Morris Gutierrez gave the opening prayer. A moment of silence was held for James “Jimmy” Baca and his family

Roll call of Officers and Advisory Board members, all members were present.

Our guest speaker was Karson Nance, a financial advisor that talked briefly about investments and helping our pensions go farther. Karson left some brochures for those interested.

President’s Report;

By Kerry Horton

Our attendance was great, with two first time attendees, and the return of some members that we have not seen in a while. Victor Padilla, who retired in the 80’s, and his son Victor J. Padilla, who retired a few years ago, joined us and we hope to see them at future meetings.

I know the irony, or stupidity, of saying this in a document that I am going to email, but I have been getting a rash of e-mails bounced back as bad addresses. So, if you have not been getting your emails from us, please contact me with a current working email address.

A few weeks ago, I attended the IPOC, Investment and Pension Oversight Committee, meeting as they were discussing the possibility of infusing some of the state’s surplus funds into PERA and ERB Pension Funds to help the funds and possibly increase our COLA returns. At the meeting, they realized that this issue is complicated and needed its own meeting. The new meeting date has not been announced, but it will be in Santa Fe. When I hear of the date, I will let you know.

We will be working with Local 244 President Miguel Tittmann to see if it is possible to get David Herrera’s name on the IAFF Fallen Firefighter Memorial Wall in Colorado Springs. Our hope is that he will be added to the wall in 2025.

Vice President’s Report;

By Donny Sanchez      

Donny gave a report on the progress of the IAFF New Mexico Bike Group who are attending an IAFF bike rally in Memphis and Nashville this week. Some of the members will then proceed to Colorado Springs for the 2024 IAFF Fallen Firefighter Memorial on September 21st. If you’ve never attended, I would encourage you to do so. It is a very inspiring event to witness.                

Secretary’s Report;

By Eddie Abeita

Eddie gave a brief report on last month’s meeting and a motion to accept the minutes as said was passed. 

Treasurer’s Report;

By Mike Fox

Mike gave the financial report for August and all funds are accounted for. As always, the financial books are open for everybody to review. A motion to accept the financial report passed.

Historian’s Report;

By Herman Bishop

Herman shared some stories of respect for the Padilla Families and reviewed the work on the December newsletter.

Committee Reports;

Funeral Committee, we reviewed the funeral arrangements for James Jimmy Baca

Christmas Committee, the date of our annual AFDRA Christmas dinner is set for December 12 at the Moose Lodge. We will put out more information as we get closer but save this date on your calendar.

Election Committee, no report.

Museum Committee, The Memorial Flagpole has been refurbished with all new stainless-steel tags and we will have a rededication ceremony sometime this fall.

Matters Good for the Association;

Welfare reports were read regarding Richard Ortiz, still at the Spanish Trail Rehab facility recovering from his injuries sustained in an auto accident. Richard is in room 111 and would love to have visitors, so if you are in the area, please stop by and cheer him up.

Toby Pino is doing well and living at his daughter’s house.

Laura Pavatt wrote and read a very humorous story of an incident that occurred early in her career. We enjoyed the story so much that she gave us permission to print it in the December newsletter. Thank you, Laura, and we urge all of you to share stories of your career, whether they are humorous, heartwarming, or make you out to be the bravest firefighter AFD has ever seen.

Remember to visit our website

The meeting was adjourned at 2045.

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