AFDRA Meeting Report

July 10th, 2024

Monthly Meeting Report

The 287th AFDRA meeting was called to order at 1900. After the Pledge of Allegiance Morris Gutierrez gave the opening prayer. A moment of silence was held for all those that we have lost this year.

AFDRA President Kerry Horton and Secretary Eddie Abeita were sworn in to the respective offices for two more years.

President’s Report;

By Kerry Horton

The AFDRA Peer Support Group development is progressing on schedule. We continue to hold planning meetings and are bringing in the necessary people to make this program a success. We will have some program literature available at the AFDRA picnic in August and we hope to start holding open meetings by early Fall.

We are looking for good quality items to be donated to place in our Retiree Assistance Program Silent Auction to be held at the AFDRA Picnic. If you have an item to donate, please contact any of the E-Board members. Our contact info can be found on our website,

Unfortunately, we will only receive a .5 % PERA COLA again this year. Our PERA fund is doing well with the revisions that were implemented in 2020, but we will pay closer attention this coming fiscal year to see why our COLA’s are not increasing.

Vice President’s Report;

By Donny Sanchez      

No VP report this month as Donny was out of town.             

Secretary’s Report;

By Eddie Abeita

Eddie passionately read the June meeting minutes and a motion to accept the minutes was passed. 

Treasurer’s Report;

By Mike Fox

Mike gave the June 2024 financial report. All funds are accounted for, and the books are in good order. As always, the books are open to everyone for review. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report passed. The annual financial audit was postponed for one month due to our audit committee chair being out of town and will be reported in August.

Historian’s Report;

By Herman Bishop

Herman Thanked Mike Fox for stepping up and improving the AFDRA Newsletter and said that he has been receiving a lot of compliments regarding the articles and appearance of the newsletter. Herman encouraged all our members to read the Chief Westerfeld in the June issue.

Committee Reports;

Funeral Committee, Sam encouraged our members to attend the services of David Herrera and Gilbert Escarcida next week and support their families in their time of sorrow. Service information was sent out earlier this week and is available on our website.

Picnic Committee, the date of our annual AFDRA Picnic is set for August 17th, 2024. The location is Rotary Park in Bernalillo, and the festivities start at 11 am, but get there early to spend time visiting friends that you haven’t seen in a year.  We hope to have a great turnout so see you at the picnic.

Election Committee, See above.

Matters Good for the Association;

We welcomed Emiliano Chavez as our new Raffle Coordinator, and we know that he will do a great job.

Welfare reports were read regarding Richard Ortiz, now at the Spanish Trail Rehab facility recovering from his injuries sustained in an auto accident.

Toby Pino is doing well and living at his daughter’s house.

We gave a welfare report on Carlos Dominguez, but this morning I was informed that Carlos had passed away on 7-10-2024. We do not believe that there will be a Firefighter service, but if that changes, we will let you know.

Please reach out to our ailing members and let them know that we are thinking of them.

Remember to visit our website

The meeting was adjourned at 2045.

To Presidents Page